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1. Receiving Initial Diagnosis

Why me?

Please correlate with your environment. This can be external environment (pollution, radiation, toxins etc.), habits (smoking, excessive medicines, unsafe sex, drugs etc), emotional quotient (prolonged depression/ stress), genetic or simply bad luck.

Will I survive?

“Don’t give up till you actually lose…” is the key to survival. Yes, you have a chance to survive till you are alive. Even a 10% chance of survival is a big possibility…

How long will I live?

Difficult to predict for any one. You may die for a reason other than cancer, so do not ask this question. Believe in God who has given everyone their share of destiny.

From where I will arrange funds?

Check your savings and insurance policies. Also check on Government policies if any support is available from any State agency and the procedure for getting the support benefit. Take an estimate of treatment cost from the doctor and work these figures against your coverage. Check from banks of they have any policy for granting loans.

Will my insurance cover the expenses?

Check from your insurance company on specific clauses of exclusions in cost of treatment

How to tell my employers or customers?

The employers need to be updated upfront. You need their support. Arrange for a service back up and take your customers into confidence. They need to be assured of continuity of service.

What should I ask my doctor?

Ask the following questions:
What will be the treatment?
How long will it last?
What can be the side effects of treatment and how do I cope with them?
How much will the treatment cost?
 Should I take another opinion?

What happens to my dependents if I do not survive?

There are some things you can plan. Write them down, plan and share with your family. For other things, make out a long term plan to make them self sustainable for example, the priority should be on how the children can be given academic and professional training to make them self sustainable in a short period rather than how to buy a house for them…

How to tell my family, specially children?

All family members should be taken in confidence. Every one has a different approach to absorb the truth and react to it. Don’t be afraid of reactions…face it.

How will they react and how will I handle them?

Their will be emotional quotients. You have to be strong and give the same message to all stakeholders…that they also need to be strong.

Family members – How to face the situation and handle the patient?

Consult your doctor. Understand all required facts about the disease, status of the patient’s health, course of treatment etc. Patient should be apprised based on his physical and mental condition.

How to take decision on disposal of assets for meeting cost of treatment?

If the need arises, prioritize the sale based on the utility of assets and their market value. Jewellery is a dead investment and should be disposed first.

How to break news with my fiancé?

The news should be shared upfront without being afraid that he/she can break the relationship. The relationship ought to be based on long term commitment. If your fiancé has quit the elationship…he/she did not deserve you…

2. After Primary Consultation

Will I be able to recover and live a normal life?

Self believe is the key. Remain positive…you will succeed. Read
survivor stories, positive quotes. They help a lot.

Am I at the right place?/Is this the best treatment?/Is the doctor not overcharging?

Please check the credentials of your doctor/ hospital before jumping into the treatment. This does not take much time. You should have complete confidence on your doctor once the treatment starts.

Family members – How to face the situation and handle the patient?

Patient needs to be kept motivated and occupied. It is very important that other members of the family do not panic and keep their cool. Their will be tough times to handle, but the things will be manageable.

My spouse/ fiancé has abandoned me, what should I do?

A difficult situation to handle. Take help from professional care givers and counselors.

3. Treatment

How long will this last?/Death was better than this…/My friends have stopped picking up my calls../Every one sympathizes …I am the most unfortunate person in the world/Oh God, some one known to a friend/ relative did not survive even after treatment…what if this happens to me?

Doctors and medical staff help a lot in these situations. Family members should not panic and try and keep cool and positive.

I have been fired from my job…no income..only expenses…what should I do?/I am running out of money…from where to arrange funds?/With no income, how long will I survive?

A tough situation to be in. Explore taking loan from friends and relatives. Evaluate selling assets and explore if any financial assistance is available from any sector.

Should I go for an alternate treatment instead of chemo?

The decision must be taken after taking your treating doctor into confidence.

Family members – How to face the situation and handle the patient

Keep your cool, don’t panic, remain positive

4. Treatment Failure

Did I do the right thing by choosing this doctor?

If you feel, don’t be afraid of taking a second opinion

Should I discontinue treatment and switch to alternate medicines?

Don’t rush. Things may actually deteriorate. Take your doctor into confidence.

Were my relatives right on suggesting some other doctor?

Don’t go on soft advise. Take a second professional opinion.

I have spent so much money, how much more will be required for the treatment?

Check with your doctor


5. Critical Condition

How will my spouse take care of my children after my death

Difficult situation to handle but every one has to face the truth. Bringthem along and share the fact.

How to deal with spouse, children and other family members

Do not panic. Be strong. If required, take professional counseling.

How to deal with the situation and handle the patient going forward?

Take help of your doctor and professional counselors, if the need be.

6. For Family Members

How do we tell patient about the disease?

Take help from doctor and If required, from professional counselors

How to tackle patient’s emotions?

Remain positive, don’t panic, keep patient occupied, empathize..don’t sympathize. If needed, take professional help

Should we go for alternate treatments?

Check credentials and consult your treating doctor

Our doctor has advised chemo/ radiation/ surgery. Should we go for it or take a second opinion?

Second opinion is your right. If you feel so, you must take a second opinion.

Where should we take a second opinion?

Look for a hospital or doctor with credentials atleast equivalent to your treating doctor.